Spiritual Leader

Loka Samavad Patal- Deva Anubhuti

Loka Samavad Patal’ is a part of the Granth ‘Deva Samadhi Tantra’ written by Mahasiddha Gana Chakra Nath (महासिद्ध गण चक्र नाथ ). It is the ‘Adhyay 1’ (Chapter one) from the ‘Deva Samadhi Tantra’ Granth and is very popular amongst the Mahasiddhas. ‘Loka Samavad Patal’ elaborates on the questions like: -What is the need

Kaulantak Nath

Kaulantak Nath, etymologically is the amalgamation of two words Kaulantak (कौलान्तक) and Nath (नाथ). Kaulantak denotes “Kaulantak Peeth” and Nath literally means “Lord” or “Master”. So, the synthesis of the words gives the meaning that “Kaulantak Nath is a Siddha who is the lord and master of Kaulantak Peeth”. The current Kaulantak Nath is His Holiness
